
Meet fire such emergency, escape -- safety exhibition

Hits:1780Time of publication:2021-10-14 10:08:41

Dalian news media group reporter Ba Jiawei

How to meet fire emergency, escape? The city emergency management bureau prompts the general public to keep in mind the "72 words formula" : familiar with the environment, easy to find exports; If a fire is found, call the police early. Stay calm and make an orderly exit; Simple protection, crawling; Carefully enter the elevator, change to the corridor; Slow escape, not without; Fire has reached the body, do not run; Trapped indoors, stick to it; Keep away from dangerous places and do not be greedy or noisy.

What to do when your home is surrounded by fire?

The best thing is to do whatever it takes to get out of the house, away from the fire, to save yourself.

1. When you open the door, touch the doorknob with the back of your hand. Do not open the door if it is hot or there is smoke coming in from the gap.

2. If the door handle is not hot, open a crack to see if it is possible to get out. Put your feet under the door to keep the steam from breaking it open. If there is a fire outside the door, opening the door will be gusts of wind, fuelling the fire, opening doors and Windows is like fanning fire, should be closed all doors and Windows as far as possible

3. Bending forward, the smoke diffuses from the top down, about 0.9 meters near the ground, the smoke is thin, it is easier to breathe, the vision is clear.

4. If the exit is blocked, try opening a window or stepping onto a balcony and closing the balcony door behind you as you exit.

5. If you live on an upper floor, the floor is not too high from the ground and the landing point is not hard ground, you can hang out of the window by the window edge and extend your arms straight to shorten the distance between you and the ground. This may cause sprains and broken limbs, but it is active survival. Before jumping, release one hand and use this hand and feet to support yourself away from the wall. Jump from a high place only when there is absolutely no other way.

6. If you want to break the window to escape, you can catch things (harder things) to break the glass, the window broken glass pieces clean, and then escape the window. If nothing else, close the door, open the window and shout for help. If you call for help from the balcony, you should close the back doors and Windows first.